Unless you play on the peaceful mode, food is essential in to your survival in Minecraft. There are many types of food in Minecraft and knowing the best food to eat can be difficult. Some Minecraft foods are good in some situations, some are more useful in other situations and some foods are never useful.
Porkchop – Raw: 1.5 Hearts healed
Cooked: 4 Hearts healed
Porkchops good sources of food early in the game as well as later in the game. Pigs spawn irregularly so porkchops are not a reliable soucre of food but when pigs spawn they are easy to kill as they will not fight back. Raw porkchops can be cooked in a furnace to be turned into Cooked porkchops. Cooking a porkchop takes 2/3 of one wood block, 1/8 of a charcoal, 1/8 of a coal or 1/1000 of a lava bucket. It is generally worth the fuel to cook porkchops as they give much more health when cooked. Placing torches on grass at nighttime is a good way to get pork because of the increased passive mob spawn rate.
Bread – 2.5 Hearts healed
Bread is a stable source of food. Bread is made from wheat which is farmed. Wheat grows at a more or less constant rate making is a reliable and stable source of food. When wheat is harvested it will often drop seeds. These seeds can be used to plant more wheat. On average wheat drops more than one seed. This means that farming wheat can generally be maintained without more seeds. Although bread cannot stack, wheat can. This means that one can carry a stack of 64 wheat and one crafting table with them. This only takes two inventory slots but can be used to heal a total of 52.5 hearts! Bread does not need to be cooked in a furnace. Farms may take a while to start up but they are reliable food sources once they get started.
Fish – Raw: 1 Heart healed
Cooked: 2.5 Hearts Healed
Fish are a good source of food if you have not yet made a farm and pigs cannot be found. Fish are fished with a fishing rod. String is necessary for the creation of a fishing rod. This means that fish cannot be eaten very early in the game before any spiders are killed. Raw fish can be cooked in a furnace to be turned into Cooked fish. Cooking a fish takes 2/3 of one wood block, 1/8 of a charcoal, 1/8 of a coal or 1/1000 of a lava bucket. It is generally worth the fuel to cook fish as they give much more health when cooked.