May 22, 2011

Minecraft Furniture Tutorial

Playing Minecraft, one thing that I've gained more and more interest in is making furniture that doesn't just look like big chunks of blocks. More realistic looking furniture.

It's not as easy as it sounds.

With the limited non-block resources finding new ways of using the same building parts can be hard.
You have to figure out uses for the stone and wood staircase, the signs, the stone slabs, the fencing and whatever else you might use.

Many of my ideas come from looking at other peoples creations here, other minecraft related sites and on the many youtube channels.

This blog post is to give YOU some of those ideas when you want to make nice furniture for your huts, houses and castles. I don't take credit for most of the following small creations, as many of them or at least the mechanics in building them has been inspired by others and not all are built by me.

I encourage any reader of this post to post something similar to this, showcasing their furniture for others to get inspired and learn from! Also other smaller constructions* that are used for making your building sites look better would be mighty interesting to see! If you do, feel free to post links to your posts in the comment section!

*Note the crane and the water tower lower down, while not exactly furniture they're still a bit too small to be a separate construction

So here are some of my and my friends' furniture solutions:

Small bed. Made out of: 1 Wool, 2 Slabs and 3-6 Signposts (depending on if it's against a wall or not)

Dining Area for four (As seen in blog cover picture). Main part excluding walls made out of: 2 Fence, 6 slab, 4 staircases (stone), 4 cobblestone blocks.

Basic bench. Made from two staircases, preferably of different material to surrounding if you want it to look more free-standing.

Basic armchair. Made from: 1 Staircase, 2 signposts.

Counter with barstools. Made from: 4 glass, 4 stone slabs, 2 staircases (Sunken down into floor by covering it with more slabs)

Sun- / Deckchairs. Each made from: 1 stone slab, 1 stone staircase.

Shelving system. Made from: staircases and signposts.

Throne type chair. Made from: 4 staircases, 2 wooden blocks.

The following aren't house furniture, but you could say they're furniture for buildings or towns:

Crane. Made from: 14 wood, 6 stone, 13 stone slabs, 9 fencing (for the counterweight part) and as many fences as you need for the rope.

Small sitting area. Made from: 4 staircases, 2 signposts.